
Prayer is vital to our Church Life. We host on online Prayer Group each Monday and share prayer for our community on Sundays at 7pm. Just check out the links below. Prayer request can be sent to our Minister using the only form below.

PMP Prayer Request

As the Presbytery of Forth Valley and Clydesdale meet today, 27th April 2024, to discuss and accept the draft presbytery mission plan we invite you to pray with us. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 Prayer points:

Our church has provided a Prayer Book which is situated in the main vestibule for anyone to pop in a note of concern or anxiety they would like prayer for – whether for themselves, family, friends, or a particular situation. This may be anonymous if desired.

By the book pens are available, and the book is checked each Sunday morning.  Those named are mentioned in prayer during our Act of Worship.

If you want to contact us sooner, please fill in the contact form below, which once submitted will be passed to our Minister, Rev Kevin de Beer, and prayer can begin as soon as possible.