Orbiston Parish Church


Orbiston – it’s History – click here

The lands of Orbiston are very ancient; the name centuries older than that of Bellshill, going back to the 12th & 13th Centuries.

Then in the 19th Century the ill fated, short lived Orbiston Community was set up in 1825.  It was founded on the same principles of the community at New Lanark, but did not enjoy the same success, and soon fell apart.  Many of the names of the present Orbiston area, such as New View Drive and Babylon Road, take there names from this period.

After the end of the 2nd World War the new housing area of Orbiston was created, to accommodate young families, and to replace much older housing in the area.

Some years later, in 1954, Hamilton Presbytery determined that a new church was required to serve the Orbiston area.  A site was purchased and plans commissioned for the church buildings.

The Church of Scotland’s Church Extension Committee, employed Rev Albert Bolton as Minister.  He was inducted to the charge of Orbiston on 17th March 1954 at St Andrew’s Parish Church, there being no church or congregation at Orbiston. Each of the town’s Church of Scotland’s loaned 3 three elders to form the Kirk Session of Orbiston.  They served in that capacity until the first local elders were appointed in 1957.

Sunday 21st March 1954 saw the first service in Orbiston when, before a packed congregation, the wooden hall was formally opened and dedicated.  With seating for only 144, it was often filled to capacity, with worshipers also standing in the kitchen, passageways, open doorways and in the grounds outside.   Sunday School classes met “in relays” from 1.30pm through until 5pm.

The fledgling congregations first birthday was marked by the laying of the foundation of the permanent church structure on 19th March 1955, and the new church was opened and dedicated on 13th September 1956

By 1966 the church had received full Quoda Sacra status and had a membership of almost 500 communicants.

It was linked with Bellshill St Andrews Church in October 1980 then linked with MacDonald Memorial Church in 2001.

The Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre now operates out of the former church buildings on Busby Road in Bellshill.

2 thoughts on “Orbiston Parish Church

  1. Hi we are a small group of dog trainers who do Heel work to music and compete with our dogs. we are not an normal dog training and their are approx 8 of us in the group. we are looking to secure a hall in the bellshill area for our training nights could you let me know if you have any night available to that would suit us to use your hall thanks


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